About me

Achille Zoni
I am a multi-instrumentalist musician, cultural economist, and project manager, creator of Charango.it. As an artist, I am a permanent member of the contemporary circus company MagdaClan Circo and the Forum Nuovi Circhi.
I discovered the charango in 2013. During my numerous trips to the Andean regions, I had the opportunity to explore the richness of this cultural heritage. In recent years, I have dedicated myself to studying and promoting the charango and its culture through this website.
As a charanguista, I participated in the Aiquile Festival in 2017 and was invited to the Potosì Cuna Del Charango Festival in 2022 and 2023. During 2023 I managed the promotion of the 50th anniversary of the Bolivian Charango Society through my YouTube channel.
Let’s have a chat
Email me at info@charango.it